Want to finally stop feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and constantly on edge...
without spending years in therapy or countless hours on exhausting mental health practices?

Get Anxiety Undo and transform your mornings from panic to peace in just 21 days.
You're juggling a thousand things at once.

Family, work, responsibilities... it feels like there's never enough time to breathe, let alone recharge and truly enjoy life.

Now, it's time to break free from the cycle of constant worry and overwhelm.
Here's how the proven framework of Anxiety Undo can help you finally achieve lasting peace:
Ready to finally break free from the cycle of anxiety and overwhelm, and reclaim the calm, peaceful life you deserve?
Here's a taste of what you'll discover inside Anxiety Undo:

  • Uncover the hidden beliefs fueling your anxiety and let them go.
  • Reprogram your mind for calm and confidence using proven techniques. 
  • Enjoy daily sessions for lasting transformation, just 20 minutes a day. 
  • Shift your perspective with the bonus "Positivity Shift" audio. 
  • Learn powerful tools and techniques to manage your anxiety for good. 
  • Understand how your brain creates and reinforces anxious thought patterns – it's not your fault! 
  • Embrace small shifts in your mindset and celebrate those victories. 
  • Recognize that change can feel subtle at first, and that's completely normal. 
  • Learn how different personalities might experience the transformation process. 
  • Get tips for staying motivated and focused on your progress, no matter how gradual it seems.


Mindsculpt: Anxiety Undo

Start your 21-day transformation today!
Regular price $197



Mindsculpt: Anxiety Undo

Start your 21-day transformation today!
Regular price $197


Hi there, I'm Nas.

My journey into the world of neuroplasticity began almost a decade ago, not just out of curiosity, but from a deep, personal struggle with being completely overwhelmed by life.

It's been a path of transformation that's taught me not just about the brain's incredible ability to change, but about the power of hope in the darkest of times.

Creating Anxiety Undo was my way of reaching out, of saying, "You're not alone" to others who are fighting the same invisible battles I fought.

It's more than just a program; it's a piece of my heart, a collection of the lessons that helped me find peace in a once turbulent mind.

If you're seeking a beacon of calm in the storm of constant worry, and overwhelm, I'm here to guide you.

Let's embark on this journey of transformation together.
Worried this won't work because it seems too simple?

You're not alone!

A lot of people struggle with the idea of achieving results without complicated strategies.

But the truth is...

Lasting change comes from understanding your mind, not overwhelming it.

Anxiety Undo equips you with the knowledge and tools to reprogram your thinking, not just manage symptoms temporarily. Join me and experience lasting peace.


Mindsculpt: Anxiety Undo

Start your 21-day transformation today!
Regular price $197


See how Anxiety Undo has helped people overcome anxiety and reclaim their peace:

"The mind exercise helps me to be more conscious about what I'm about to say in a conversation. It relaxes me completely."


"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder
This isn't just about feeling calmer in the short term.

Sure, Anxiety Undo helps you manage anxiety symptoms and find immediate relief.

But that's just the beginning.

It's about building the mental strength and resilience to navigate life's challenges with greater confidence and peace. It's about unlocking your potential and living a life free from the limitations of anxiety.

This program is for individuals who yearn for more than just managing anxiety. 

It's for those who want to transform their lives, build stronger relationships, and pursue their passions with unwavering determination.

Imagine waking up feeling energized and empowered, ready to face any day with a clear and focused mind. Imagine building meaningful connections, experiencing true joy, and embracing life's possibilities with open arms.

That's the power of Anxiety Undo. 

It's not just about managing anxiety, it's about creating a life that reflects your deepest desires and values.

Got a question?

  • Do I get instant access to everything when I sign up?
    Yes! As soon as you purchase Anxiety Undo, you'll receive instant access to all the program materials, including the audio sessions, guides, journal, and bonuses. They'll be delivered directly to your email address.
  • Will this show me exactly how to reprogram my thinking patterns?
    Anxiety Undo provides a comprehensive framework and practical tools to help you reprogram your thinking patterns. You'll learn about neuroplasticity, identify your thought patterns, and practice replacing negative thoughts with more empowering ones.
  • What if I'm already seeing a therapist or using medication for my anxiety?
    Anxiety Undo can complement your current treatment plan by offering additional tools and techniques to manage anxiety. However, it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new mental health program.
  • Do I need to have any prior experience with mental reprogramming or meditation?
    Not at all. Anxiety Undo is crafted to be accessible for everyone, regardless of your experience level. The sessions guide you through every step, making it easy to follow along and start making changes from day one.
  • How much time does it take to go through the program?
    The core audio sessions are just 20 minutes each. With the 21-Day Transformation plan, you're looking at a commitment of just 20 minutes a day to start seeing a significant impact on your anxiety levels and overall well-being
  • Will I need any special equipment to use Anxiety Undo?
    Headphones are recommended. No special equipment is needed. You can access the Anxiety Undo sessions from any device with internet access, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.
  • I'm not sure if this will work for me. Should I still try it?
    If you're looking for a new approach to managing anxiety that's backed by principles of neuroplasticity and can be done on your own time, then yes!
  • I have one more question. How can I reach out to you?
    Feel free to email us at hello@theminddesigner.com for any other questions or support you might need!


Mindsculpt: Anxiety Undo

Start your 21-day transformation today!
Regular price $197


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Anxiety UndoYour 21-day anxiety escape plan$22
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Not a monthly payment. Not a yearly payment. 

Unlimited support for only $17!

Unlimited lifetime access to The Mind Designer private online community where you have access to a Mind Designer coach to help you through your mind reprogramming questions.

    You are 95% MORE LIKELY TO SEE RESULTS simply by directing your accountability to a third party. 
Let us do that heavy lifting for you and ensure you WILL put our lessons in to practice (we will never offer this price again).

Normally $147 One-time offer  $17
Add to cart$17.00
  • Total payment
  • 1xAnxietyUndo$22
  • The Mind Designer Community$17

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